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Dysfunctions of the temporomandibular joint are also called craniomandibular dysfunctions (CMD) in specialist circles.

TMJ disease

Dysfunctions of the temporomandibular joint, also called craniomandibular dysfunctions (CMD) in specialist circles, can make themselves noticeable through very different symptoms. Many patients suffer from head, neck and/or back pain and a restricted mouth opening. Cracking joint noises, earaches or dizziness may occur. Hypersensitive and exposed tooth necks can be an indication of CMD, as well as abraded enamel areas (so-called abrasion) on the occlusal surface.
Often a nightly, unconscious grinding or clenching of the teeth is the cause of a temporomandibular joint disease -
The cause of these complaints is a change in the chewing muscles or the joint structure, which are often caused by incorrect loading of the chewing organ. In many cases, this incorrect loading can be attributed to an often unconscious grinding and or pressing of the teeth at night or in stressful situations during the day. But missing teeth and malpositioned teeth can also cause an uneven load on the temporomandibular joint.

What are the benefits of a bite splint?

+ protection of the teeth,
+ relaxed position of the jaws to each other.
Feel free to contact us if you would like to learn more about the possibilities of keeping your teeth beautiful and healthy for a lifetime.
The basic prerequisite for a successful therapy of temporomandibular joint diseases is a thorough examination of the jaw, the musculature and the temporomandibular joints. This is the only way to put together an individually tailored therapy plan for you, the aim of which is to restore the balance between muscles and temporomandibular joints. In many cases, this can be done with the help of an individually made plastic bite splint, which is worn at night during sleep and with the help of which the temporomandibular joint is brought into a relaxed and anatomically favourable position. At the same time, the teeth are protected from further abrasion by nightly grinding or pressing. In addition to splint therapy, physiotherapeutic treatment can be useful as a support. In some cases, it may also be necessary to rebuild teeth damaged by grinding and pressing or orthodontic regulation of malocclusions in order to counteract a functional disorder of the temporomandibular joint.