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We use particularly durable, ultra-modern nanocomposites, which consist of 20% plastic and approx. 80% ceramic particles.

Tooth-coloured plastic fillings

If a "hole in the tooth" is detected due to caries, it must be treated as soon as possible to prevent the caries from spreading further and causing greater damage to the affected tooth over time. Depending on the size of the defect, we treat the tooth with a filling, an inlay, a partial crown or a crown to reconstruct the tooth in a stable way. For small to medium-sized defects, the treatment with highly aesthetic, tooth-coloured plastic fillings (also called composite fillings) is suitable in both the posterior and anterior region. Today, composite fillings can be placed in the tooth in a particularly defect-oriented and gentle manner, as they form a firm connection with the tooth (so-called micro-retention) and thus, in contrast to other filling techniques, no mechanical retention is required.
In this way we can also easily correct small optical blemishes with tooth-coloured plastic fillings.
The modern nanocomposites used in Dr. Nora Buchner's practice consist of 20% plastic and about 80% ceramic particles. This material combination is particularly durable and particularly resistant to the strong masticatory forces in the posterior region.

It is also often possible to correct small optical blemishes on the teeth with the tooth-coloured plastic fillings and thus to achieve a significant improvement of the dental aesthetics in an uncomplicated way.