If a bacterial inflammation of these fine structures occurs due to deep caries or tooth trauma, i.e. an opening of the pulp due to an accident, the pulp must be removed in order to preserve the tooth in the long term.
This is done during a root canal treatment. After careful cleaning and disinfection of the canal system, the fine canals are hermetically sealed with a thermoplastic, biocompatible natural rubber, so that no new growths can occur in the canal system. Since these structures are tiny and can hardly or not at all be seen with the naked eye, treatment under the operating microscope is essential for successful treatment and thus long-term preservation of the tooth, because "only what you can see can be treated well". Thus, with the combination of the most innovative treatment methods, ultra-modern precision instruments and optical aids, it is possible to preserve teeth that previously only had to be removed and replaced by complex and cost-intensive dental prostheses.